Home » Juvederm

Young, healthy-looking skin contains an abundance of a naturally hydrating substance called hyaluronic acid (HA). However, as you age, sunlight and other factors can reduce the amount of HA in your skin. This lack of HA causes your skin to lose structure and volume, creating unwanted facial wrinkles and folds – like those parentheses lines around your nose and mouth. Using a dermal filler such as Juvederm is a safe and effective way to replace the HA your skin has lost, bringing back its volume and smoothing away facial wrinkles and folds. It is a simple way to restore a more youthful and vibrant appearance.
As we help patients rediscover their beautiful smile every day, we know how important it is for you to look your best. Ask our team at Right Care Dental about Juvederm to help you decide if it is right for you.

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