At Right Care Dental, inlays and onlays are lab-created restorations affixed to teeth when your cavity or lost tooth structure is too big to be restored with just a filling. The procedure of making an inlay is similar to a crown. After the tooth is created, it is cemented or bonded to your tooth.
Inlays are made of various materials, including gold, porcelain and composite resins. Porcelain and composite inlays and onlays are cosmetic substitutes for fillings and are very durable compared to regular white fillings. Gold inlays and onlays are also reasonable alternatives, but their appearance makes them less favorable.
We will point out when an inlay or onlay is a feasible treatment option for you. Generally, inlays and onlays can replace most back teeth fillings and are often cosmetically preferred over traditional fillings. They are also more conservative than crowns.
Because the procedure to create an inlay or onlay is similar to a crown, its cost is comparable. However, the durability of inlays and onlays make them cost less in the long run than traditional fillings.